Day 3: In the morning, I randomly spoke to Kim about this husky place which I saw on Facebook and it was such an impromptu decision to head over to check it out.
We paid 350baht per pax.

We were late, we reached at 7? Just in time for Nervo!!
The effect, fireworks and the bass were hell good!!!
We met really friendly people there as well!
Day4: Chatutak, gg green market
At the end of the day, we had so much trouble carrying it back to our hotel as it was really heavy.
Day5: Our flight was at 7.05am.
Journey from our hotel to the airport was about 20 mins, and we paid 200 baht by meter whereby one of the drivers wanted to quote us 400 baht to the airport. Whenever you are taking a cab, do always choose meter!
In a blink of an eye, 5 absolutely amazing days passed by so quickly.
Goodbye Thailand, till again!